Incense for Yoga
Dharma The term Dharma derives from the Sanskrit root dhṛ which can be translated into Italian as "to provide a basis", or as "foundation...
Traditional natural incense with honey, for yoga.
Traditional natural honey incense.
Natural Champa
OM often transliterated as Ohm or Om, is the most sacred and representative mantra of the Hindu religion; it is considered the primordial sound...
Traditional natural honey incense.
Peace and Love
Prana The Sanskrit term Prāṇa, literally means vital breath, breath or cosmic energy.According to Hindu physiology, all living beings through breathing create an interchange...
Shanti In the Hindu religion, the Sanskrit word Śānti (usually anglicized in Shanti) indicates a state of absolute inner peace and serene imperturbability, characterized...
Suddhi, The Purification In Sutra II.28 Patanjali speaks of "impurity" and the importance of eliminating or reducing impurities and ailments that afflict the individual...
Surya Namaskar Sun salutation Sequence of Hatha Yoga exercises aimed at achieving and maintaining an optimal psychophysical state. "Keep your face in full sun...
Prana The Sanskrit term Prāṇa, literally means vital breath, breath or cosmic energy.According to Hindu physiology, all living beings through breathing create an interchange...
Prana The Sanskrit term Prāṇa, literally means vital breath, breath or cosmic energy.According to Hindu physiology, all living beings through breathing create an interchange...