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Waters of the Chakras

Waters of the Chakras - Muladhara

The Waters of the Chakras they are made with the same vibrational mixtures of the Chakroils with the difference that they are conveyed with...
The Chakra System Waters of the Chakras
Acque dei Chakra

Waters of the Chakras - Swadhistana

The Waters of the Chakras they are made with the same vibrational mixtures of the Chakroils with the difference that they are conveyed with...
The Chakra System Waters of the Chakras
Acque dei Chakra

Waters of the Chakras - Manipura

The Waters of the Chakras they are made with the same vibrational mixtures of the Chakroils with the difference that they are conveyed with...
The Chakra System Waters of the Chakras
Acque dei Chakra

Waters of the Chakras - Anahata

The Waters of the Chakras they are made with the same vibrational mixtures of the Chakroils with the difference that they are conveyed with...
The Chakra System Waters of the Chakras
Acque dei Chakra

Waters of the Chakras - Vishuddha

The Waters of the Chakras they are made with the same vibrational mixtures of the Chakroils with the difference that they are conveyed with...
The Chakra System Waters of the Chakras
Acque dei Chakra

Waters of the Chakras - Ajna

The Waters of the Chakras they are made with the same vibrational mixtures of the Chakroils with the difference that they are conveyed with...
The Chakra System Waters of the Chakras
Acque dei Chakra

Waters of the Chakras - Saharasrara

The Waters of the Chakras they are made with the same vibrational mixtures of the Chakroils with the difference that they are conveyed with...
The Chakra System Waters of the Chakras
Acque dei Chakra

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