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Great herbal tea

Gran Tisana - Antistress

Organic food supplement adjuvant in stress syndromes: difficulty falling asleep, headache, weakness. Promotes the tone of the nervous system. 
Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices
Erbe e Spezie
€12.40 €7.90

Great Tisana - Balsamic

Organic food supplement adjuvant in load disordersof the respiratory system: colds, coughs, promotes expectoration, is balsamic, emollient. It also promotes relaxation in case of...
Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices
Erbe e Spezie
€12.40 €7.90

Great Herbal Tea - Detox

Organic food supplement promoting detoxification andpurification of the body, especially in the event of impaired liver function. Proper liver function relieves the sense of...
Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices
Erbe e Spezie
€12.40 €7.90

Great Herbal Tea - Diger

Organic food supplement adjuvant in digestive disorders,swelling, feeling of heaviness after meals, promotes regular stomach function. Bitter-aperitif.
Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices
Erbe e Spezie
€12.40 €7.90

Gran Tisana - Woman

Organic food supplement adjuvant in female disorders,draining, relieves the feeling of heaviness and swelling. Helps to remove excess fluids, excellent during periods of fatigue,...
Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices
Erbe e Spezie
€12.40 €7.90

Great Herbal Tea - Dreno

Organic draining food supplement, helps remove excess fluids, adjuvant in promoting kidney function and the elimination of toxins.
Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices
Erbe e Spezie
€12.40 €7.90

Gran Tisana - Focus

Organic food supplement adjuvant in mental fatigue with difficulty concentrating and a sense of dizziness. Promotes emotional rebalancing.
Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices
Erbe e Spezie
€12.40 €7.90

Gran Tisana - Good Night

Organic food supplement promoting relaxation, distension, sleep, improving their quality.Adjuvant in cases of psycho-physical stress.
Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices
Erbe e Spezie
€12.40 €7.90

Great Herbal Tea - Immuno

Organic food supplement based on echinacea and uncaria tomentosa of the highest quality favoring immune rebalancing. 
Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices
Erbe e Spezie
€12.40 €7.90

Great Herbal Tea - Lax

Organic food supplement promoting the physiological intestinal transit and the elimination of swelling.Adjuvant in digestive processes.
Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices
Erbe e Spezie
€12.40 €7.90

Empty filters for herbal tea

20 Large Empty Filters Great Herbal Tea to fill at will. Made with the highest quality Japanese paper. 
Accessories Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices Great Spice Herbal tea of the Chakras Himalayan salt - Accessories - Objects The Chakra System Tulsi - Green Tea - Psyllium

Enameled Terracotta Cup - 3 pieces

Enameled Terracotta cup, composed of three pieces, facilitating the infusion, for a unique experience. 
Accessories Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices Great Spice Herbal tea of the Chakras Himalayan salt - Accessories - Objects The Chakra System Tisaniere Tulsi - Green Tea - Psyllium

White Terracotta Cup - 3 pieces

White Terracotta cup, composed of three pieces, facilitating the infusion, for a unique experience. 
Accessories Great herbal tea Great Herbal Tea - Tulsi - Spices Great Spice Herbal tea of the Chakras Himalayan salt - Accessories - Objects The Chakra System Tisaniere Tulsi - Green Tea - Psyllium

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